Our Prints

Our Prints


A hot-pink ode to summer sunsets. A fruit sacred to so many cultures that quenches all thirsts and paints our hands. I love everything about this fruit, absolutely everything.


We pay homage to the goddess of Bloom that decorates our world, so generous and abundant. I decided to paint her in the style of Indian miniature painting, dancing and hiding in the green of her own creation.


This print is a hint to the ancient Indian art of miniature painting for its style and subject: a group of women surrounded by pomegranates and my beloved monkeys. The result is a retro print in color and taste, funky and fun. That way you will always be in good company, surrounded by an army of women who are ready to dance with you at any given time.

palm dance

This print celebrates the beautiful and majestic geometry of palm trees, as they dance in the wind to the sound of their own song -a song that sings of a warm land, a generous one.


Monkeys are my favorite animals. I love them, with their cheeky playfulness and their empathy.
They are friendly companions both in Brazil and in India, where I could sit and watch them for hours, as they jump from one branch to the other, as they play and pick out each others’ lice, somewhere between clumsy and graceful.
The monkey print will always put a smile on your face and push you to take life less seriously.

Silent forest

Inspired by the Appennini forests that surround our house and studio. They appear still and silent, concealing the vibrant secret life of their inhabitants. These magical woods reveal themselves to those who are willing to listen.
I hid a little intruder amongst the trees -a tropical souvenir of faraway lands. Look closely to find the Cassava plant.

pink mangos

This print tells the story of the mango grove in my grandmother’s backyard in Salvador, Brazil. A story of warmth and love, populated with little marmoset monkeys chasing each other down branches and juicy ripe mangos dropping to the ground like a rhythmic samba


A watercolor of tassels, that shape stars, flowers or sceneries depending on how you look at it. I was inspired by the traditional art of Italian tilings that in their stillness dance and follow the viewer, forming different geometrical compositions. Its a simple print, both soothing and vibrant at the same time, like water – calm in its constant movement.